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DELTACO Smart Spotlights för Trall 5 Lampor RGB Extralampor 8309758 | SH-DLEX01

5 extra lampor till Smarta Decklights

Utöka ditt Deltaco Smart Decklights-kit med 5 st extra decklights. Du kan koppla samman totalt 50st lampor på varje nätadapter.

Obs! Ingen nätadapter medföljer. Deltaco Smart Decklights startkit krävs.
4 st bilder och 0 st videor.
DELTACO Smart Spotlights för Trall 5 Lampor RGB Extralampor

Recensioner (2)

2 månader
A deck company installed these in our new wooden deck. They installed one of SH-DLK01 (10 lights, power supply, extension cables, smaller items) and several of SH-DLEX01 (5 lights, extension cable, smaller items). Wondering if they had picked the best product, I searched around, but did not readily find anything else like it. I have since made some modifications and added some lights myself. Each light and each extension cable included has one male and one female connector. They are all simply connected in series. Each connector has an o-ring and there is a threaded ring that screws them together, creating a sealed joint. There is a flat piece to orient the connectors, but the plastic is soft enough to be able to get this wrong if not observant enough. That will make it not light correctly. I made that mistake but it did not cause damage in this case and it was easily corrected. The power supply is rated to output 24V DC at up to 2A to the lights and extension cables, which would the lights and extension cables quite a safe set of lights. However Deltaco would intend that the power supply is unplugged at all times while working on the equipment. They are a simple concept and easy to work with. They are a tight fit in the 32mm hole nominated in the instructions, as they measure 31mm diameter. The metal holding clips permanently flatten. However they seem to be well secured while also allowing to be removed without damage, for changes or replacement if needed. The cable entry into the back of each light is sealed by a rubber compound. They would not stand up to a lot of pull on the cables, so make sure that the cables are out of the way and protected as well as possible The lights look and work great. They have survived a few months so far of bad weather including rain, snow and large temperature variations. As another reviewer indicated, time will tell. The lights will all be the same colour and brightness. They are not individually addressable. The colours, brightness and animation are controlled by the Deltaco Smart Home smartphone app. With it, the lights are accessible remotely over the internet without needing to create any account. The app is easy enough to use. It included the ability to set automatic on and off times, which to me is indispensable. If the power supply loses power from the 230V AC, I have found I have to go back into the app and play with it for the lights to resume thier settings and schedule. However I am no expert in using this.


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Anslutning och Plattform

Fungerar med Matter 

Övrig Info

5 år


10 cm
5 cm
15 cm
0.486 kg
Vårt ArtNr
Tillverkarens ArtNr
2021-08-31 17:15

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Hur lång är sladden mellan lamporna ?

DELTACO Smart Spotlights för Trall 5 Lampor RGB Extralampor


Hej! Under Deltacos egna specifikationer så skriver de detta: "Mellanrum mellan ljus: Upp till 1m" Så då får jag tolka det som att sladden är ca 1m lång mellan lamporna. Ha det gott!


Kolla när vi installerar Deltaco Decklights!